Tuesday, May 13, 2008


This semester I've learned that I need to work on my time management. I tend to put things off to the last minute, and that always causes me to stress. I hate being overwhelmed, and yet I do it to myself everytime. Once again, I enjoyed being in your english class. Thank you for always being understanding, and compassionate towards me. I hope you have a nice, relaxing summer. And although I won't have you again next year, I will be coming to you for help and advice, ( if you don't mind). I also feel my writing has improved. Thank you again! Keep in touch!

DIrty old man: R.KELLY

The jurors have been selected in R.Kelly's child pronography trial. R.Kelly is accused of videotaping himself having sex with girls as young as 13 years old. One juror called child pornography "the lowest of the low." Kelly, known for sexually charged hits like "Bump N' Grind," has pleaded not guilty. The alleged victim, now 23, says it wasn't her on the videotape. He's a dirty old man, and deserves to be be convicted.


In Detroit, Michigan, a teenager convicted of killing a man, then beheading him and setting fire to his body in what prosecutors called a thrill killing was sentenced Monday to life in prison without parole. The teenager is said to be involved in some sort of gang. This is dispicable.


Starting next year across the country, rape victims too afraid or too ashamed to go to police can undergo an emergency-room forensic rape exam, and the evidence gathered will be kept on file in a sealed envelope in case they decide to press charges. The new federal requirement that states pay for "Jane Doe rape kits" is aimed at removing one of the biggest obstacles to prosecuting rape cases: Some women are so traumatized they don't come forward until it is too late to collect hair, semen or other samples. I think this is a great idea, but I thought this was already being done?


A man and woman opened fire on guards at an entrance to an Indian reservation and fled into the hills, where they were killed in a gun battle with sheriff's deputies and a SWAT team. It was the second deadly gunfight involving deputies on the reservation in five days.

cell phone tickets on planes

Southwest Airlines ticketed a man for using his cell phone while on board. I think this is absurd! With everything that has happened as a result of 9/11 and since 9/11, you'd think having a cell phone is a blessing. God forbid a hijacking took place, a cell phone would be the best thing.


I saw a horrible accident on route 9 while contruction was being done. Some girl was cut off by another driver which caused her to lose control of her car into traffic cones, and hit a construction worker who was then rushed to Jersey Shore Medical by helicopter. It was a mess.

China's earthquake

In China, Juyuan Middle School students were settling into their daily classes when their four-story classroom building collapsed, setting off a wave of tragedy and disbelief that was only beginning to sink in 24 hours later. Monday's magnitude-7.9 earthquake was etched across a devasting Juyuan. All but a handful of the more than 900 upper-class students were believed to be trapped under the slabs of cement, bricks, tile and twisted cables. Only one survivor has been found, a girl pulled free by a rescue team.

clinton vs obama

Hillary and Obama are going head to head in the race for the white house. Clinton wins West Virginia by an overwhelming amount. However the result won't do much for Obama's overall delegate lead. I am rooting for Obama, for a change. I can't stand Hillary.

bonus blog

As we discussed in one of our papers, I think tradition is something special that has become apart of our culture. The "traditional" wedding has become ritualized, but I don't think I would have it any other way. There's something about changing something as sacred as a wedding that seems uncomfortable. My parents and everyon else in my family has done the "traditional" wedding, so I just think breaking away from that is wrong. However, my cousin is getting married in June, and she will not be wed in a catholic church as everyone has done, so maybe times are changing.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

english 152

Can you explain exactly what ENGL 152 entails? Is it a lot of novel reading?

I'm ready.

I think I'm ready for Engl 152, I think I can handle it. What do you think? I don't mind, reading, and I dont have a problem comprehending material. I can become somewhat overwhelmed and a bit stressed when writing a paper, but who doesn't? As far as handing in assignments, I've never handed one in late, or incomplete to the assigned guidelines. I'm sure the amount of work and papers will exceed for I have done thus far, but it will have to be done.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mariah Carey!

I just bought the new Mariah Carey CD, E=MC2, it's amazing! She wrote all the songs herself, and her voice is insane! My favorite song is "Side Effects."

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Rare Quadruplets born, 3 Identical..

In Maryland, a mother has given birth to a rare set of quadruplets in which three of the four boys are identical. The boys were born 11 weeks premature in January at Greater Baltimore Medical Center in Towson. There are fewer than 100 documented cases of "identical triplets plus one" in the United States.

-There is a very cute picture of the babies laying in the shape of a "4."

Sex & the City, & others

I don't know if you're a Sex & the City fan, but I can not wait for the movie to come out. I'm probably a little too excited.

& I recently saw "Juno," I thought it was hysterical. It's worthwhile if you're in the mood for a constant laugh.

A Bridal Shower

Next Saturday, April 26th, is my cousins' bridal shower. This was supposed to be joyous time for everyone, but since we were all bombarded with devasting news of my aunts passing, it is anything but. The shower is going to be extremely depressing, and difficult to get through. We are doing everything possible to make this shower be as lovely as can be, but there will be a lingering feeling of sadness no matter what.


Within the past two weeks, my family and I have been going through a devasting time following the death of my aunt. It was a complete shock and totally unexpected. I'm just having a very difficult time accepting this; I can't believe it, it seems surreal. I wish I could take the pain away from my three cousins, who have to spend the rest of their lives without their mother. There are times when I am trying to comfort them, and I can't speak, there are just no words.
To add to the loss, my oldest cousin Christina was supposed to celebrate her 27th Birthday, but instead attended her mother's wake on that same day. She is also getting married in June without her mother, my cousin Allie is graduating from Rutgers next month, and my cousin Victoria is attending her senior prom and graduating high school in June.
It's just not fair, it's not right, it will never settle right with us. I have never felt such a pain, it is unbearable.The rest of My family is a complete wreck, especially my mom. My mother lost her sister and best friend. My mom comes from 6 siblings, which made for an extremely large and close family, and to lose someone as wonderful as my aunt, who held us all together with her pizza nights, and other events, is insane to comprehend. She truly was the greatest aunt, and a wonderful person all around. I miss her immensely. Our lives will never be the same. We will be there for eachother and pull through it.

12th assignment

Dana, in all honesty, (no "kiss-assness" intended), I think you are a great professor, and you genuinely care about your job, as well as your students. I appreciate your attitude, compassion, and understanding towards me within the past 2 weeks, as I have not been myself 100% following the death of my aunt. I havn't been in any kind of a productive mood lately.
I do not think you are being unreasonable with your expectations, you do not overwhelm us with assignments by any means. Handing in our work within a week is more than do-able, I understand people are busy and things come up, work, etc., but I always manage to set time aside for that. All in all, I do not think your expectations are inexceedable, and I truly appreciate how cool you are.

Woman Reaches the age of 115!

In Shelbyville, Ind., Edna Parker has lived a long life. Maybe it was just good genes, or maybe it was her life of chores growing up on a farm. The oldest known person turned 115 on Sunday, defying staggering odds. She is recognized by Guinness World Records as the world's oldest known person. Researchers would like to find out how and why she and other supercentenarians -- people 110 and older -- enjoy such long lives.

Here's the link if you would like to see what she looks like. (she definitely looks 115!) :wink:

11th assignment

At first, I thought the 11th assignment was an easy task because we got to pick our topics. As I was completely my paper, I realized my knowledge of the subject was not suficient, so I needed to research, which enabled me to write the paper with ease. All in all, I didn't mind the assignment. I'm not sure if it is easier to have a free choice of what to write on, or a structured, guided paper.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Obama's in the lead

As of today, Obama leads Hillary with a 10% in the latest national poll. This is Obama's biggest lead of the year, so far. I think this has a lot to do with Geraldine Ferraro's comment having to do with Obama's race. It may have been controversial, and politically incorrect, but it shed some nice light on Obama's image and compaign.

9th Assignment

I don't think we elect dirty politicians on purpose, but I do think there is a distinct pattern taking place. It is a shame that all we have to choose from are crooked politicians. It's a world that is lead by money and greed. In theory, we elect those of whom we'd like to represent us, but I think people need to wake up, and take the elections seriously. I think we have just had an unfortunate strain of bad luck. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." That's an interesting slogan; it's completely true. In my opinion, the politicians are corrupt, and they are corrupting our government, as well as the people.

Monday, March 24, 2008

8th Assignment Spring Break!

My Spring Break was relaxing for the most part. I worked alot, which was nice because I needed to pick up some hours. I went out with some friends, and pretty much just hung around. And all of a sudden, I was hit with this horrible stomach virus. I've been nauceous, achey, and exhausted for almost a week. On top of feeling like crap, I had two papers to write before returning from break. I hate being sick, it wipes me out, and I can not afford to miss any of my classes. Unfortunately, I don't think I can avoid missing Tuesday's class. I can't seem to kick this nausea, it's the worst feeling ever. How was your break? Did you do anything crazy and exciting for your birthday?

7th Assignment Assessment

Spring Break was a much needed break for everyone. Now that we are coming back and getting back into the swing of things again, I can see myself becoming a bit "disengaged," as you put it. It's easy to stop caring because it's starting to get nicer out, and the semester is almost done. I like our laid back classroom environment, and our reading discussions. I didn't mind most of the readings, I found them to be interesting. For the most part, your class and everything about it is a delight. =)

(brownie points!) GRIN!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Despicable Spitzer

Spitzer's acts were nothing less of a disgrace. I feel for his family, especially his oldest daughter who is reportedly the same age as one of the women he had "relations" with. What an embarrassment.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I read in today's Post that geraldine Ferraro made a comment to the effect of, " The only reason Barack is winning is because he is Black." This of course caused an uproar and raised questions of whether or not that was racially insensitive, politically incorrect, etc, blah blah.. I don't know how I feel about the comment because on one hand I feel she is right. I don't think many people will literally say, "I'm voting for Obama because he's Black," but I do think that that can only benefit him when it comes time to vote. In some ways, it may be looked at as offensive too. Should Ferraro apologize? To be honest, I'm not really sure it matters. This will only help Obama's image and campaign. People are so ready for a drastic change in office, and I think he may be the change people are looking for.

The right to strike

In my opinion, government employee's like police officers or firemen have just as much of a right to strike as anyone else. They are public defenders and their purpose is to serve the public, so why shouldn't they strike? If one feels there is need for change, or negotiation of terms, there is cause for strike. In some cases, strikes are the last resort in order to resolve the conflict. I don't see why they shouldn't strike.

Justice is not blind

"...With liberty & justice for all" -- that's what we recite in the pledge of allegience, but is it necessarily true? Today, if you've got more money than God, you are given a "get out of jail free card." I for one am sick of hearing headlines of Lindsay Lohan, and Britney Spears continuously getting nothing more than a "slap on the wrist" when they break the law. At the age of 19, driving around insanely intoxicated, and crashing into a telephone pole, coming damn close to killing pedestrians, I would never be granted a license to be driving around the next day. But, because Lindsay is who she is, she wasnt repremanded as a "normal" citizen, and bought a brand new Mercedes after she totalled hers. It's ridiculous. So, I think in the eyes of our judicial system, economic status weighs in highly.

"Nothing Pains People More.."

"Nothing pains people more than having to think." -Martin Luther King Jr.
I find this quote to be extremely truthful. Sometimes I feel I have to wrack my brain to come up with something intelligent to say. It is more commonly to do with school work, and expressing myself through my writing. In any situation, thinking is the only way to resolve it. I am someone who over thinks and over analyzes everything, and sometimes, it doesn't always work out best.


In some ways, I think the more "generic" traditions will continue into the next generations because they have been apart of our culture for so long, so why stop now? Traditions like having turkey on Thanksgiving, and having a Christmas Tree on Christmas shape the culture that has always been apart of our lives. Culture and traditions have always adapted from generation to generation. Over time traditions may somewhat change, but the people who follow them add their own spice to it.

5th assignment

My community is a secluded island called Utopia where money grows on trees, people are always tan, and school is not mandated. My favorite aspect of the community is the fact that money grows on trees because the possibilities are endless. Marriage is not stressed, and couples are allowed only 2 children. When one reaches the age of 60, they are to leave the great island of Utopia and venture off to wherever they please.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

America's Favorite President

According to a recent popularity poll on AOL, Americans rated Abraham Lincoln as the nation's greastes president. The poll, taken just in time for President's Day, offers surprising results. The list of options people could choose from included all presidents since Franklin Roosevelt, along with some of the more famous from earlier in American histroy- George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Woodrow Wilson, Andrew Jackson, etc. When I took the survery, the question asked, "Who do you think was the greatest U.S. president?" It gave me these options- Washington, Raegan, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Lincoln, or other. I chose Washington, and the results favored Lincoln above all. The numbers were very different, and it was an interesting article.

If you wanted to take a look: http://news.aol.com/story/_a/americans-rank-lincoln-as-top-president/20080216154509990001?ncid=NWS00010000000001

Thursday, February 14, 2008

3rd Assignment

I completely agree with your views on the media. I for one think very little of has-been idiots like Britney. I think our country & society have mixed emotions about the publicity that these stars' receive. Some sympathize, some pitty them, and some think it is utterly ridiculous. There's no getting away from the hype and choas that they promote; it's on the cover of every newspaper and/or magazine cover. Why are Americans more interested in what party Brit made an appearance at last night, rather than who our next president is going to be?


In all honesty, I'd much rather see Obama get the nod over Hillary. If for no other reason than I cannot stand her, she makes me sick. The last thing I want to see is another Clinton in the White House. In my opinion, Hillary is ridiculousy phony. I pray to God she doesnt make it back into the White House. I was completely behind Guiliani-supporting my fellow New Yorker. I respect him, and I feel strongly that he would have been a great president. He handled 9/11 incredibly, he deserves a lot of credit for that. But since he has dropped out of the race, I tend to lean toward McCain. I feel like McCain is a strong and tough man who has enough experience to run the nation. Still, I'm not 100% sure who I'm going to vote for. It definitely won't be Clinton though!

Second Post Identi-Kits

First off, Liz and Matt Mcconaughey make a pretty couple. For my Identi-Kit is used pictures that I identify myself with. I love leopard and all animal prints, so I used a picture in which I was wearing leopard. I drink tea, not coffee. I incorporated my background by including a picture of the Staten Island Bridge, aka the Outer Bridge. There's a picture of my car also. I love food, it's pure enjoyment. My nails are a major descriptive characteristic of myself. I chose all these things because they are apart of my everyday life and they are associated with who I am.

First Assignment

The most fun I've ever had writing was last semester in my Student Success class. All my assignments were interesting, and they made me think. I enjoyed the writing assignments in your class last semester as well. When I write about something I know about as far as personal experience goes, it makes me feel confortable in my writing.