Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Justice is not blind

"...With liberty & justice for all" -- that's what we recite in the pledge of allegience, but is it necessarily true? Today, if you've got more money than God, you are given a "get out of jail free card." I for one am sick of hearing headlines of Lindsay Lohan, and Britney Spears continuously getting nothing more than a "slap on the wrist" when they break the law. At the age of 19, driving around insanely intoxicated, and crashing into a telephone pole, coming damn close to killing pedestrians, I would never be granted a license to be driving around the next day. But, because Lindsay is who she is, she wasnt repremanded as a "normal" citizen, and bought a brand new Mercedes after she totalled hers. It's ridiculous. So, I think in the eyes of our judicial system, economic status weighs in highly.

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