Monday, March 24, 2008

8th Assignment Spring Break!

My Spring Break was relaxing for the most part. I worked alot, which was nice because I needed to pick up some hours. I went out with some friends, and pretty much just hung around. And all of a sudden, I was hit with this horrible stomach virus. I've been nauceous, achey, and exhausted for almost a week. On top of feeling like crap, I had two papers to write before returning from break. I hate being sick, it wipes me out, and I can not afford to miss any of my classes. Unfortunately, I don't think I can avoid missing Tuesday's class. I can't seem to kick this nausea, it's the worst feeling ever. How was your break? Did you do anything crazy and exciting for your birthday?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My break was good - I needed it. I can't say for sure if I did anything crazy because I, um, don't remember most of that weekend. ::wink::