Tuesday, May 13, 2008


This semester I've learned that I need to work on my time management. I tend to put things off to the last minute, and that always causes me to stress. I hate being overwhelmed, and yet I do it to myself everytime. Once again, I enjoyed being in your english class. Thank you for always being understanding, and compassionate towards me. I hope you have a nice, relaxing summer. And although I won't have you again next year, I will be coming to you for help and advice, ( if you don't mind). I also feel my writing has improved. Thank you again! Keep in touch!

DIrty old man: R.KELLY

The jurors have been selected in R.Kelly's child pronography trial. R.Kelly is accused of videotaping himself having sex with girls as young as 13 years old. One juror called child pornography "the lowest of the low." Kelly, known for sexually charged hits like "Bump N' Grind," has pleaded not guilty. The alleged victim, now 23, says it wasn't her on the videotape. He's a dirty old man, and deserves to be be convicted.


In Detroit, Michigan, a teenager convicted of killing a man, then beheading him and setting fire to his body in what prosecutors called a thrill killing was sentenced Monday to life in prison without parole. The teenager is said to be involved in some sort of gang. This is dispicable.


Starting next year across the country, rape victims too afraid or too ashamed to go to police can undergo an emergency-room forensic rape exam, and the evidence gathered will be kept on file in a sealed envelope in case they decide to press charges. The new federal requirement that states pay for "Jane Doe rape kits" is aimed at removing one of the biggest obstacles to prosecuting rape cases: Some women are so traumatized they don't come forward until it is too late to collect hair, semen or other samples. I think this is a great idea, but I thought this was already being done?


A man and woman opened fire on guards at an entrance to an Indian reservation and fled into the hills, where they were killed in a gun battle with sheriff's deputies and a SWAT team. It was the second deadly gunfight involving deputies on the reservation in five days.

cell phone tickets on planes

Southwest Airlines ticketed a man for using his cell phone while on board. I think this is absurd! With everything that has happened as a result of 9/11 and since 9/11, you'd think having a cell phone is a blessing. God forbid a hijacking took place, a cell phone would be the best thing.


I saw a horrible accident on route 9 while contruction was being done. Some girl was cut off by another driver which caused her to lose control of her car into traffic cones, and hit a construction worker who was then rushed to Jersey Shore Medical by helicopter. It was a mess.